Old Coventrians Rugby Football Club
(founded 1930)
Powergen Midlands West 3 South
Tile Hill Lane, Coventry, West Midlands, England. 
Telephone (024) 76715273

Junior Section - Latest News

Are you age 9 to 14? Then
Make the most of your Easter break!


Coaching led by Lau Langkilde,
former Samoan international and Super 12 player,

At Old Coventrians RFC
Tile Hill Lane / A45, Coventry

In July 2003 Old Coventrians were awarded with the RFU
Seal of Approval and Sport England Clubmark, which means
We have a "safe, effective and child friendly club environment"

Tuesday 13th April until Friday 16th April
10am until 3.30pm, hot lunch included
£30 for the 4 days or £9 per day

To book a place phone Lau on 02476 405011
Or Mobile 07876 178981